Srinagar, Jan 24: In a heart-wrenching incident, 35-year-old Javid Ahmad Ganaie from central Kashmir’s Budgam tragically lost his life on Wednesday, sparking accusations of “medical negligence” by family members against the medicos and administration of District Hospital, Budgam.
The family members alleged that the hospital’s ill-preparedness exacerbated Ganaie’s condition, leading to his unfortunate demise upon arrival at SMHS Hospital.
According to the family members, Ganie was rushed to the district hospital Budgam at 8:30 AM on Wednesday after he experienced a slight fall at his home following which he had complained of breathlessness, and the family members suspected a cardiac arrest as the reason of the fall.
“The situation at district hospital Budgam took a dire turn as there was no immediate response to attend to the emergency patient. No CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) was performed, and no immediate action was taken to stabilize the patient”, alleged, Asif Akbar Sofi, one of the family members.
The family claimed that after waiting for 20 minutes, Ganaie was administered ‘Hydrocortisone’, following which he collapsed.
“He had a fall in the Bathroom probably due to cardiac arrest. However, the ill preparedness at district hospital Budgam worsened his condition”, said one of the family member.
Another member, a doctor himslef called it a pure “medical negligence” and questioned the hospital Protocol.
“How come, this kind of patient was immediately referred to SMHS when he wasn’t stablised at the hospital by the doctors at DH Budgam,” he said.
The family said that despite the critical condition, the patient was referred to SMHS Hospital, and it took half an hour for the emergency medical services (108) to arrive at the hospital premises. The family questioned the decision to refer the patient when he was allegedly not stable.
“He was given Hydrocortisone after waiting for 20 minutes and after that he collapsed. They referred him to the SMHS. It took half an hour for 108 to arrive to the hospital premises. How was he referred when he wasn’t stable”, the family members asked.
Talking to the Presspact, Medical Superintendent, District Hospital, Budgam, Dr Iqbal, said that the patient had reported to the hospital with the severe condition. He was immediately rented to the SMHS.
On asking, why wasn’t the patient stabilised after his ECG was conducted and MI was detected, he said that he will look into the matter and get back.
“Due to fall, the patient had received head injury and was referred properly for CT and neurosurgical consultation to SMHS,” MS said.
However the family contested tye claim, alleging that no “proper referral” was made. The ambulance driver later informed the Budgam distrcit hospital authorities about the condition of the patient and asked them to prepare the necessary documents, accordingly.
The relatives, neighbours and the local civil society members of the area told Kashmir Observer that tragic incident has raised serious concerns about the preparedness and responsiveness of medical facilities at District Hospital Budgam.
They said that the family’s allegations warrant a thorough investigation into the procedures followed during the critical moments at the hospital, shedding light on the circumstances that led to the unfortunate demise of Javid Ahmad Ganaie.
Meanwhile, Director Health Service Kashmir, Dr. Mushtaq Rather later evening visited the hospital and while speaking to the Kashmir Observer, he assured of necessary action into the incident.